SPILFYTER GRAB & GO® ACID NEUTRALIZING LIQUID BUCKET SPILL KIT Features & Benefits: Store the Grab & Go® Liquid Acid Spill Kit where caustic acid spills are likely as an extra...
Brady Hazmat Absorbent Sock HAZ412 - Hazwik - 3"x4' - 12Gal - Green HazWik® HAZ412 absorbents are made of surfactant-treated polypropylene which can be used on a wide range of chemicals, including...
Brady Spill Kit SKA-ATK - Universal - 15"x19"Pad - 3"x4" SOC's - Allwik - Nonaggressives Efficient, space saving, single use kit packed in puncture and UV resistant foil bag. Hang anywhere from the...
Sorbent spill socks are ideal for absorbing leaks, spill and drips around equipment or in hard to reach places. Using sorbent spill socks provides you great flexibility and absorbency since they will...
Brady Oil Absorbent Sock OIL124 - 3"X12' - White - 4/C - 12 Gal Oil Only absorbents pick up petroleum-based fluids, paints and non-water soluble chemicals while repelling water - great for indoor...
ESSENTIALS 3"X4' OIL ONLY SORBENT SOCKS Features & Benefits: Great wicking and performance for all of your petroleum-based leaks, drips and spills. Ideal for when your application...