7940 P100 Filter Disk for 7000-9000 is100% PVC-Free. P100 Particulate Filter Disk is lighter than traditionaPiggyback P100 with Moldex gas/vaporcartridges or use standalone filter. P100 andR95 can be used for both oil and non-oil basedparticulates. Use R95 or N95 ParticulateFilters as a pre-filter with any gas/vaporcartridge. Wider field of vision because of lowprofile. Fiberglass-free filters. No plasticcasing to throw away. P100 Applications:For contaminants falling under an OSHAsubstance specific standard requiring a HighEfficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filter. Thesesubstances include asbestos, lead, inorganicarsenic and cadmium. Also for use inenvironments where oil-based particulates arepresent. All Moldex Particulate Filters areNIOSH certified. The #7940 and #7960 P100Particulate Filter Disks have an efficiencylevel of 99.97% or greater against both oil andnon-oil based particulate aerosols. The 8910N95 Particulate Filter is 95% efficient againstnon-oil based particulate aerosols only. The#7960 also offers relief from nuisance levelsof OV/Ozone. 1 pr/bg; 30 bg/cs.