MIOSHA Grant Application

MIOSHA Workplace Improvement to Safety and Health (MIWISH) - Application Wizard

MIWISH Grant Application

Investing $500,000 in Worker Safety and Health

Welcome & Instructions

The MIOSHA Workplace Improvement to Safety and Health (MIWISH) Program awards employers in Michigan up to a dollar-for-dollar match (up to $5,000) for safety and health projects based on site-specific hazard surveys.

This is a reimbursement program. Invoices dated prior to the approved contract date are not eligible. Grants are awarded to employers that best satisfy the MIWISH goals. If qualified applicants exceed available funds, a first-come, first-served policy applies.

Review the instructions below carefully. All requested information is required. Signed justifications, vendor quotes, and compliance with recommended safety/health standards are necessary.

Qualifications & Disclaimers

To qualify, an employer must: (Please Select Qulifiers Below)

If your application is approved, you’ll be notified via email. No state funds will be distributed until all grant documents are signed.

Click “Next” to begin entering your company details.

Company Information

Complete this section to register your organization with the MIWISH grant program.

This field is required.
Enter your SIGMA Address ID, available in your SIGMA account details. To be awarded a grant and receive payment from the State of Michigan, you must be registered as a vendor with the SIGMA Vendor Self Service (VSS) payment system. If you are not currently registered, please do so prior to submitting your application at the link below: www.michigan.gov/SIGMAVSS .

This field is required.
Enter your registered company name.

This field is required.
Provide the name of the primary contact for this application.

This field is required.
Enter the job title of the contact person.

This field is required.
Provide the primary address where the safety equipment will be used.

This field is required.
Enter your SIGMA Address ID, available in your SIGMA account details. If you are not currently registered, please do so prior to submitting your application at the link below: www.michigan.gov/SIGMAVSS .

Please enter a valid email address.
This email will be used for all communications related to your application.

This field is required.
Provide a reliable phone number for contact purposes.

This field is required.
If applicable, enter your fax number.

This field is required.
Enter your North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code. If you need assistance, please visit the NAICS website .

This field is required.
Describe the nature of your business operations.

This field is required.
Enter the total number of employees in your company.

Project Description (A)

This field is required.
Describe how this equipment meets the recommendations and includes all project activities.

MIOSHA Regulations / Best Practices (B)

This field is required.
Explain how your project aligns with MIOSHA standards or industry best practices.

Implementation Schedule (C)

This field is required.
Attach relevant documentation (photos, training resources, etc.) to prove completion.

Project Participants (General Info)

This field is required.
Provide contact information for individuals overseeing the project.

Location of Equipment (D)

This field is required.
Specify the exact locations within your facility where the equipment will be installed and used.

Project Benefits (E)

This field is required.
Explain how the project will improve safety and health outcomes for your employees.

Items & Costs (F)

This field is required.
Provide detailed information on the equipment and associated costs.

Costs & Match Info

This field is required.
Enter the total costs eligible for the grant.

This field is required.
Specify the amount you are requesting from the state.

This field is required.
Enter the amount your company will match.

This field is required.
Include any additional funding sources if applicable.

This field is required.
Provide the name of your Workers' Compensation Insurance company.

Further Company Information

Have you been an employer for at least two years with at least one employee?

Please select at least one option.
Indicate whether your company has been operational with employees for the specified duration.

Is your company privately or publicly owned?

Please select at least one option.
Specify your company's ownership status.

Who conducted the safety/health site-specific hazard evaluation?

Please select at least one option.
Select all applicable options or specify other methods used.

Are you financially able to complete your portion of the project?

Please select at least one option.
Confirm your financial capability to support the project.

Signature & Authorization

The information contained in this application is accurate and true to the best of my knowledge. I am authorized by my employer to make this request. I agree to implement and maintain the equipment purchased under this grant in accordance with manufacturers' recommendations.

This field is required.
Enter the name of the person authorized to sign on behalf of the company.

This field is required.
Provide your official title within the company.

This field is required.
Select the date of submission.

This field is required.
Type your name or sign digitally.

Step 1 of 12

PDF Generated Successfully

To submit your completed application, please download and email the PDF file to LEO-CETGrants@michigan.gov.

Need Assistance? 800.632.2955


The information provided in this application is subject to review and verification by MIOSHA and may be audited for accuracy. Submission of this application does not guarantee approval of the grant or funding. MIOSHA reserves the right to request additional information, documentation, or clarification at any stage of the review process. Safety Services Incorporated is not liable for the accuracy or completeness of the information provided by applicants.

By submitting this application, you acknowledge and agree that all data, including personal and business information, will be processed in compliance with applicable privacy laws, such as the Michigan Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and other relevant regulations. MIOSHA decisions regarding grant approvals are final and not subject to appeal.